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Euro 2015

Molly Comrie

Hello! And welcome to my art website. This site was made exclusively for the work I have been working on while on European Art Classroom. On this trip we are living in a town named Vauvenargues, France and it is approximately 15 minutes away from the city Aix-en-Provence where we spend a majority of our time. On this trip we will be traveling to Paris, Belgium and Spain. We have been working a lot on our own styles of art that we personally enjoy along with learning and getting demonstrations of new styles of art broadening our own horizons to things we have never experienced before. On this site there will be all different kinds of art, including the art I do in the studio or out in the fields of fresh rosemary and thyme or of the beautiful mountain of Mont Ste. Victoire. I hope you enjoy the work I am proud of and continue to check for updates because hopefully the work will continue to get better and better!

My painting of Mont Ste. Victoire standing in the place where Paul Cezanné painted hundreds of times.

The first night in the studio we had an excersize where we were asked to paint an apple and make sure to paint what we were seeing and not from memory.

This is a picture of my first sketch I did here it is our view from a picnic we had on Mont. Ste. Victoire. We were really trying to focus on lights and darks instead of definitive details.

This is a watercolor of my tree that I did on the same day as our picnic on Mont. Ste. Victoire, I really like the way the pen compliments the natural colors of the watercolor.

Design by Molly

This is a piece from my Carnet de Voyage from our first day trip to Arles, France. Arles is known for its Roman ruins and the place where Vincent Van Gogh lived for a majority of his life. Café La Nuit is in one of his most famous paintings and we sat right outside and sketched it ourselves!

© 2015 by Molly Comrie. Proudly created with


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